Click on the Start button to begin.

You will be presented with a video lesson before answering questions. Watch the Video then close it to begin answering the questions.

On the left menu you should be able to see all the topics and sub-topics of Mathematics class 8.

To start, you can select and click the sub-topic of your choice and start solving the questions. The topic and sub-topic are indicated at the top while the questions are shown under it. You have text-to-speech icon to read you the questions if you have need.

Read the question carefully and enter your answer into the text-box or select the correct choice then click on "Submit Your Answer" button. If you answer correctly, you are prompted to move to the next question. If you enter the wrong answer, you are prompted to try again before you are shown how the question was solved.

You can also navigate between questions by clicking on the "Next Question" and "Previous Question" button.

We hope you practice so as to improve your performance in Mathematics. Good luck!

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Ministry of Education